Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Vast Heart of Steve Perry ('s Keyboard Player)

Okay, so it took like 10 minutes for this video to load with my backwoods internet connection, but this song feels just right for a hot and humid day in New England. Give it a try.

Clem Snide's frontman, Eef Barzelay (one of the great names in show business) covers a Journey song--with ukelele, voice, and whistling:

Clem Snide covers Journey

Sorry if you end up with a Budweiser craving after viewing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it, I'm finding lots of good ones--really love Ben Folds does Eliot Smith and I'm gonna go try the Nirvana cover next. Fun fun!
(I don't know if it's gonna comment with my name or what-- it's Jen PN here :0)