Friday, July 9, 2010

Clutter Survey, Summer 2010

"Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

-Albert Einstein


Utilityinfielder said...

Believe it or not, it actually makes me feel better about my house in which I could find an exact reproduction in 3D of every photo in your collection. On one level I like to think we focus on different things than order, in my family's case those things are depression and sloth.

Jessamyn said...

Your photos give me the fidgets [because I'm a tidy freak, not that my own house is really an example of this] but they also seem to reflect a life well-lived.

Rob said...

UtilityFeller I am proud to be of service. Albeit at the service of your depression and sloth.

Jessamyn, you are clearly a generous and well-intentioned person, and thanks, but these photos tell me my life is (only at times?) riding me like, uh, like some sort of bad rodeo simile. Gitty up!

Lauren said...

I refer you all to the picture accompanying "How Mysterious"--proof that there are moments when all that clutters our home is a gigantic bowling ball. No shoes, no cat hair, just a few books and papers. Serenity.