Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today's Alchemical Notes

  1. 1. We hold these truths to be self-evident: Heady Topper IPA at the Alchemist is worth the drive.
  2. Shawnee's house on Rt 2 is hard to find, despite the supposedly big sign advertising MANURE.
  3. Gilbert and Sullivan are the man, even if the riff on "orphan" and "often" goes on far too long (see Penzance). "Men who stop at nothing will soon be here!"
  4. Spring peepers and those invisible birds who make the "woo woo" mate-with-me sounds with their wings on April 18 are surely signs that spring has sprung.
  5. Cap'n Crunch with 2% milk is heavenly at first. But the second bowl is making me wonder who is in control--me or the Cap'n.


Lauren said...

Hmm, so if you seem a bit hungover this morning, it might be hard to tell what or whom to blame: Heady Topper or Cap'n Crunch. But I see you were delirious enough to place the Cap'n in the actual cereal drawer, rather than the liquor cabinet. Where we usually keep it to hide it from the younger people.

Rob said...

...And I'm pretty sure I put the liquor in the cereal drawer. Oop!

Moosehaven said...

Hiya Rob.

Don't blame me, Jim gave me this web site.

How's tricks?

-Nora (remember me?)

Rob said...

Would this be Nora whose last name begins with L?

Moosehaven said...

I apologize if this is a double post. Really, couldn't you have found a forum that required you to jump through MORE hoops? Just askin'.

Yes, this is Nora L.

It would appear that you have amazing children. Gilbert and Sullivan? Wow.

And what is it with adults and Cap'n Crunch? We only got it when my Grandpa was in town as it was his favorite.

Okay, attempting to "publish" this again. Wish me luck.