Thursday, February 19, 2009

Windstorm in Bubbleland

Oh man.

I first saw this with my then-one-year-old, and in the fog of young parenthood I think it blew my mind.

Its bizarre mix of surrealism, kitsch, and charm sent me running for a blank VCR tape (this was 8 years ago), but I only captured the last 2/3 of it. And my VCR died 4 years ago. So I haven't even thought of it in a long time. At one time I even emailed the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood production company to try to get a copy--to no avail.

It didn't occur to me until this morning that someone must have posted it on youtube by now. So here it is, in three parts. Enjoy, but please don't write a lengthy appreciation of it--that's something I've been wanting to do for years. It's mine.

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