Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chicken Developments

Three chicken developments here this week:

  1. Our (most) obnoxious rooster, Black Hawk, went to live with Shawnee. I think she would like to keep him, but so far she is kind of sitting on the fence. He might end up going to Freezer Camp if he doesn't shape up.
  2. The cattle corn around here is being harvested day and night, and the trucks are buzzing back and forth to the farm with loads of chopped corn plants. The unexpected side-effect: our chickens keep wandering into the road in search of truckish windfall. This seems to amuse some of the people driving by and irritate others. One guy stopped by yesterday to say, "Do you know your chickens are in the road?" Well, yes (I had just been watching them). I apologized, and he asked if I wanted help getting them back to my lawn. I demurred; you can't really herd chickens, near as I can tell (I DID toss some scratch for them over by the garage, which kept them out of the road for awhile).
  3. Speaking of being on the fence, the chickens have discovered the rail fence, and they've been hanging out there, watching for Leaf Peepers and suchlike predators of the North.
Fence Chickens

Fence Chickens

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