Friday, December 19, 2008

Just Around the Corner

Not to spoil the mood or anything, but when your eight-year-old is a leukemia survivor (and sorry again, but I'm inclined to add the modifier "so far" to that phrase), reminders hide behind the strangest of corners. In this case, in the midst of a solicitation, these words:

"I lost a daughter to cancer in July after a fight she couldn't win because she had no insurance. When President-elect Obama said no one in these United States should die of cancer because they didn't have insurance, I knew we had to work to get him elected. My daughter had to go to a county hospital where they died one by one in Houston, TX, one of the cities with the best cancer hospitals. That is when I joined MoveOn and worked with them online and in my city to register and get out the message to vote. My daughter passed away wishing her death would not be in vain. Yes We Did."—Martha T., Abilene, TX

But when I speak of "reminders" I'm referring to what, exactly? I don't know. But these words jump out at me, and I wince. I knock wood, and wince.

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