Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Notes

Lauren's cousin Jared (so I get to claim him too) gets the voting prize this year: He's living in NYC, but registered in his home town of Hollis, New Hampshire, 200+ miles away. After months of frustration trying to get an absentee ballot sent to him in New York, he gave up. But last night he decided to hop a train at 3AM that would get him to Hollis just as the polls were opening. His vote was that important.

Runner-up goes to the brave (and mysteriously republican-in-his-heart) Brian Quinn, Lauren's brother, who announced today,

"I was McCain from the start but he and his VP choice have talked themselves out of my vote, there isn't anymore room for trigger happy politicians in the White House. This isn't the Wild West and I have to vote on my belief that this world will be a better place with Obama leading the United States and the triplets are my first concerns. We'll be in it with Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan,and Pakistan at the same time if McCain is in office. A great American and I have the utmost respect for him but there isn't anything that will change from Bush's administration if he gets in the office. I vote and think Republican, this choice is way too important to not vote my conscience though. Love to all and let's hope we can become a great nation again and gain back the respect of the world without the "shock and awe" bully methodology."

Third place goes to my other brother-in-law, Michael, who says,

"I'm living nervously here in WA. It feels like it used
to feel being a Red Sox fan . . . no matter how well
things are going, you find yourself waiting for Bucky
Dent or a ball to go through Bill Buckner's legs (I don't remember Bucky Dent going through Bill Buckner's legs...?-Lauren).

"I want it to feel 'safe' enough tonight per the
electoral vote distance that we can feel the love
going to bed tonight. I slept in my van on a slanted
street in 2004 after too many frustrated beers
watching Ohio come in. I'm hoping for my bed tonight."

It's a good family I joined.

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