Dialog with a friend in Athens, Greece (who voted absentee in New Mexico):
S: "The whole thing amazing and strange from this distance, but yesterday, all day, moving around Athens, it was so tempting just to stop people and say, Look what we did! Look what we did! And since we're not over there...now that it's day 2, have the pundits started ripping the whole thing down already?"
To which I mumbled:
No, the pundits (those hindus) are not tearing things down yet, but I am, sorta.
Well, actually, it's a thrilling time. But I do wonder at the hint of racism in all the self-satisfied white commentators and bloggers celebrating the election of an african-american as president. Also, I'm reeling from lack of sleep and the post-election comedown. And it's also sad to know that, despite all this liberal hope, California has seen fit to amend its constitution to define marriage as man-woman. I don't get it.
To be sure, Obama's election is very significant. But it doesn't eliminate racism (americans will compartmentalize to preserve their own craven impulses). And, for me, it's only tangentially about race anyway. More, it's about inspiration and intelligence and compassion and lack-of-simplemindedness, and lack of bully-behavior, and, well, fill in the blanks. It's very exciting. But we saw Uncle Bill (Bragg) in NH 10 days ago, and he reminded us of his wholehearted support for Tony Blair, pre-election, and of the "realities" and disappointments that came after he became PM (especially after 9/11). I feel that Jan 2009 is when the real work begins, real work including personal-sacrifice-for-greater-good. And I don't always have faith that Americans know this is part of the bargain, or a requirement of the times. It's all Short Attention Span Theater here. But this is part of why I voted Obama: if anyone can inspire us to band together and get some shit done for once, it's Obama. Because, fuck, it's not all on him. It's all on us.
At any rate, I keep returning to the youtube
video of people at Broadway and Pine, waving flags and dancing and singing to the cheesiest of Journey songs--not with cynicism or irony, but with almost-pure delight. Sigh.
I spent election night up a dead-end dirt road I call "hillbilly holler," with some friends and a stranger who turned out to be the dour-man-in-black guy at the gym I have privately named Cthulu. It's not quite the same.
New Mexico and I thank you for voting.