Friday, July 31, 2009

Wettest Summer in Memory?

This has been a VERY wet summer here in Vermont. The ultimate proof? I
found this mushroom growing in our bathroom today. To some of my
relatives this will also be proof positive that we are the worst
housekeepers ever. That may be true, but in the best localvore
tradition we will certainly be making an interesting salad tomorrow...

More From Coffee Corner

Celebrating Fergus' Half Birthday, a little late, at Coffee Corner (Norah working on her cross-eyed look).

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer In Vermont

Summer In Vermont
Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas

Serve with pilaf, corn on the cob, beer, and salad.

Oh, forget the salad.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bus Shelter Image

Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas

(Under the bench)

Sad Tigger

Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas

Park & Ride Bus Shelter, Richmond VT

Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas

Bus Stop Blues

Bus Stop Blues
Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas

I'm stranded at a filthy bus stop in Richmond Vermont, waiting for Lauren (who is running late because the kids are enmeshed in a playdate) to pick me up. It's raining, so I'm stuck in the shelter with three bags of garbage (that someone has tossed into the corner) and a mildly disturbing collection of filthy plastic toys.

Now she says she's on her way...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dat or Dis

This time I choose Dis:

Not Dat:

(We returned from Seattle just in time)

Adirondack Chair Phone Post Test

This is really just a test to see how easy it is to post here from my new phone. It is a beautiful day in East Montpelier, oddly enough (it's been a wet summer).

This calls for fresh corn from the farm stand and yummy, not very lean burgers from The Dudley Store. That is, if I can get out of this chair...

Don't look too closely at the feet; I didn't think the phone would deliver this level of...detail.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mobile Lounge?

Have you ever been to Dulles Airport and encountered their freaky "Mobile Lounge" shuttle things? You follow the arrows that say "Shuttle to Concourse C," pass through a doorway expecting a long passageway leading to a train or bus, and find yourself in a large, dead-end room with several people standing around. You know something is odd, but you're not exactly sure what. And then a huge train-like vehicle parks itself just outside the window, a vehicle filled with people like you. And you think, Wait a minute: this room IS the shuttle? A few moments later the doors close and the room (18 feet high, 53 feet long) moves away from the concourse....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Then Hens Make Their Move

Just Moved In
Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas
Finally, the hen-house is done. Or at least, done enough for moving day. Here are the girls in their new digs....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jerk Chicken

Today's favorite Craigslist/Vermont listing is Jerk Chicken:

Workaday World

Originally uploaded by baseballpajamas
You can't tell, but the socks work really well with the paint color on the walls.

Taken while talking on the phone about immunization compliance engines.